Original description (at the Library of Congress website): This structure is fairly typical of the kind of accomodations provided for the recreation of unmarried TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) construction employees of both sexes. Whenever possible such structures are later converted to fill permanent needs of the region. During the construction of Norris Dam, the structure included a large lounge, a refreshment and lunch space, and auditorium with stage and projection room, capable of accomodating 300, library and reading room, barber and beauty shop, restrooms, administrative office and committee or lecture rooms. The auditorium was converted into a gymnasium. It now serves as a community building for the permanent residents of the town of Norris, a regular restaurant having replaced the refreshment room, while the county art center has been installed in place of the library, and the offices, display room, and storage room of the handicraft cooperative have taken up the space formerly occupied by the barber and beauty shop.
Date Created/Published: between 1933 and 1945.
Medium: 1 negative : safety ; 4 x 5 inches or smaller.
Reproduction Number: LC-USW33-015596-ZC (b&w film neg.)
URL: At the library of Congress